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大学教务处的注册科负责处理学生注册事宜.e.; class permission, requisites, and priority registration times) and enrollment/degree verification. 此外,该部门还与学院和咨询中心解决问题.

Important Updates

Spring Semester 2023-24

  • Academic advising for Fall semester begins Monday, October 23, 2023
  • Priority registration begins Monday, October 30, 2023
  • Spring semester 2023-24 begins Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Summer Semester 2023-24

  • Open registration begins Monday, February 19, 2024
  • Summer semester 2023-24 begins Monday, May 13, 2024

Fall Semester 2024-25

  • Academic advising for Fall semester begins Monday, March 25, 2024
  • Priority registration begins Monday, April 1, 2024
  • Fall semester 2024-25 begins Monday, August 26, 2024

Registration Schedules

Registration Access Schedule

The registration access schedule 是否可以在秋季查看注册的日期、时间和学生团体


General Registration Information

Students New to Ohio University
Continuing Students
Re-enrolling Students
Senior Citizens (60+ Program)
Cancellation of Registration/Withdrawal from the University
Class Attendance - Dropping Non-attending students
Class Permission
Course Load
Flexibly Scheduled Classes
Grading and Registration Options
Graduate Catalog Continuous Enrollment Policy
Graduate College Provisional Admission Registration Hold
Graduate Students Taking Undergraduate Classes
Priority Registration
Registration How To's
Requisite Processing
Selective Service Registration
Student Schedules
Withdrawal from the University/Cancellation of Registration

Students New to Ohio University

新入学的学生必须按照入学材料上的说明进行入学指导. Information can be obtained by calling the Orientation Office at 740.593.1951 or contacting your regional campus student services office.

Graduate Students

联系学院或院系了解你所在院系的迎新信息. 在学期开始之前,每年秋季都会举办一次总体介绍. Programs in the College of Arts and Sciences, Patton College of Education, and the Voinovich School, can obtain their DARS online.

International Students

All incoming undergraduate and graduate students must report to the Office of International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS), Walter International Education Center, 15 Park Place, 带着他们的护照和移民文件在注册课程前登记. In addition, 这些学生必须参加国际迎新课程, which may include TOEFL testing. Questions concerning these requirements may be directed to ISSS, 740.593.4330. (此信息适用于newbb电子和地区校区的学生.本科国际学生(将在第一学期参加学术课程)也必须参加 Bobcat Student Orientation 研究生国际学生应该联系他们的学术部门/学校了解部门/学校的情况.

To comply with immigration regulations, 国际学生(F-1或J-1身份)必须注册为全日制学生(本科生每学期必须学习12个学时,研究生每学期必须学习9个学时才能保持全日制身份)。. 学生不得放弃任何会使其低于全日制的课程, register late, 或者在没有导师事先批准的情况下退出所有课程 Office of International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS)

Continuing Students

To register, use MyOHIO Student Center (which may be accessed from Go OHIO --Academics tab). For questions, contact Registrar Services, first floor, Chubb Hall, or your regional campus student services office.

Priority Registration

The registration priority order is: Honors Tutorial College, graduate students, and undergraduate students (based on rank and accumulative hours earned).

Fall and Spring Priority Registration:

  • 本科生必须在注册课程之前与学术顾问会面. 所有本科生都将有一个优先注册建议等待,直到你的导师释放等待. Note: If an undergraduate student is pursuing more than one major, 学生必须获得各专业指导老师(或指定人员)的批准. 学生必须等到所有专业的考试都被释放后才能注册. 当您的优先注册通知被释放时,您将收到一封电子邮件.
  • Your enrollment appointment (registration access) time is available in MyOHIO Student Center or Go OHIO. 当您的预约时间被分配时,您将收到一封电子邮件通知.
  • For planning purposes only, you may add classes to your cart in MyOHIO Student Center or Go OHIO prior to your enrollment appointment time. 直到您完成注册,点击“完成注册”,并收到每个课程的成功消息,表明您已注册,您才可以注册您的课程.

Summer Registration:

  • 由于夏季没有优先注册,您不必与学术顾问会面, but it is recommended, especially if you have questions

Advisor Information:

  • Your advisor is listed in MyOHIO Student Center or Go OHIO in the Advisor box.
  • Your advisor is listed on the first page of your DARS report. Your DARS report is available online.

Academic Program Information:

  • Your declared academic programs are listed in MyOHIO Student Center or Go OHIO. Click on My Academics link to find your declared programs. 注意:在您被允许注册课程之前,您已被未来学期录取的学术课程将不会显示.

Re-enrolling Students

如果你曾就读于newbb电子平台(获得成绩和/或学分),并希望返回相同的水平(i.e., 本科生返校为本科生研究生返校为研究生), please complete the Re-enrollment Form [Online] or the Re-Enrollment Form [PDF] 并返回大学教务处(本科生)或研究生院(研究生).

For additional information about re-enrolling, visit our re-enrolling students web page.

如果你以前没有上过newbb电子平台(从未获得过成绩和/或学分), 本科生需要联系本科招生办公室, 120 Chubb Hall, 740.593.4100和研究生将需要联系研究生院,102格罗夫纳大厅,740.593.2800.

Cancellation of Registration/Withdrawal from the University

Cancellation of registration is defined as dropping all classes before the first day of classes. 这是由你在一个学期或学期中最早开始上课的日期决定的.

退课的定义是在课程/学期的最早开课日期当天或之后退课. 这是指你注册的所有newbb电子平台的常规课程, whether on one campus or multiple campuses. 你必须去你所在学院或地区校园学生服务办公室的学生服务办公室启动取款流程. Graduate students must contact the Graduate College. 在课程最后一天或之后,不允许退学, 由您在课程/学期中所修课程的最早结束日期决定.

Note: Canceling your class registration does not cancel your housing. 您需要在预定退房日期和时间之前与您所在大楼的住宿生活工作人员预约,以便正确退房, sign your Room Condition Report (RCR), and return all keys. If you have canceled your class registration, 你不再有资格住在校园里,必须在48小时内搬离.

International students (F-1 or J-1 status) must contact the Office of International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS), 740.593.4330, prior to withdrawing from the University. Failure to do so may lead to serious immigration problems.

Class Attendance - Dropping Non-attending students

如果你错过了上课时间少于80分钟的前两次课或者上课时间超过80分钟的第一次课, 无论你是否注册,老师都可以选择不让你上这门课. 如果你错过了前两次会议(或第一次会议,如果80分钟或更长), check with your instructor to verify your status in the class. 如果你没有被录取,你需要通过访问退课 MyOHIO Student Center.

Note: If the instructor does not admit you to the class, you must still drop the class from your schedule by accessing MyOHIO Student Center or Go OHIO . Otherwise, you will receive an F, an FN (failure never attended), 或者在学期结束时被开除(FS).

Course Load

Undergraduate Students

要成为全日制学生,你必须注册至少12个学时. 全日制本科生通常有15-20个学时的正常负荷(即使是那些留校察看的学生)。. 学生运动员和接受经济援助的学生必须至少修满12个学时. Most students receiving scholarships have to carry up to 15 semester hours. 超过20个学时的学生必须获得许可,并且超过20个学时的每学时将收取额外费用.

Graduate Students

要成为全日制学生,你必须注册至少九(9)个学时. Students with graduate research, teaching, 或研究生助教预约必须注册至少12个研究生学期小时. Some departments require more. 获得奖学金或学费奖学金的学生必须注册至少15个研究生学期的学时. Undergraduate courses, courses taken for audit, 和OPIE语言课程不能用于满足研究生课程负荷的最低要求. Students scheduling more than 18 semester hours (whether graduate, undergraduate, (或两者兼而有之)必须获得许可,并且在超过18个学时的情况下,每学习一小时将收取额外费用.

International Students

To comply with immigration regulations, 国际学生(F-1或J-1身份)必须注册为全日制学生(本科生每学期必须学习12个学时,研究生每学期必须学习9个学时才能保持全日制身份). 学生不得放弃任何课程,将采取他们低于全日制状态,没有事先批准的顾问在学校 Office of International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS).

Maximum Semester Hours Allowed Without Permission

本科生每学期最多可注册20个学时,研究生每学期最多可注册18个学时. For example, 已经注册了18个学时的本科生不能再增加3小时的课程, because this would exceed the limit. If there is a need for a student to exceed the maximum hours, 本科学生应联系其所在学院或地区校园学生服务办公室以获得许可, and a graduate student should contact the Graduate College. 被允许超过最大学时的学生将收到一份超过最大学时的许可表格,由他们的学生服务办公室代表他们提交, once received, this form will be processed by Registrar Services. 研究生注册学时超过18学时或本科生注册学时超过20学时,学费将增加. For details about additional charges, see Tuition and Fees located on the Office of the Bursar's website.

接近最大值的学生需要增加一门课(并放弃同一课程的另一部分),可以通过使用交换功能避免超过最大值. 在第一周的周五之后和学期第二周的周五之前,要使用交换功能请求更改课程,您必须获得许可. 联系你的大学学生服务办公室或地区校园学生服务办公室.

Flexibly Scheduled Classes

灵活安排的课程是指在整个学期中不上课的课程. Therefore, the last day to add, drop, or withdraw from classes might be different from the dates listed in the Academic Calendar. Deadlines to add, drop, and withdraw can be viewed on Course Offerings. Contact the Office of the University Registrar, Chubb Hall, 740.593.4324, or your regional campus student services office for more information.

Graduate College Continuous Enrollment Policy

连续入学(CE)政策将于2022年秋季生效. 这项政策影响到以研究/创造性活动为基础的终端研究生学位(Ph.D., Ed.D., and MFA only). 其他硕士项目或专业博士项目的学生不受此政策影响.

Under the CE policy, students in Ph.D., Ed.D., and MFA programs must enroll for a minimum of 0.除非正式休假,否则每学年两个学期5个学分,以获得学位.

Find additional information on the Graduate Catalog Continuous Enrollment Policy | Ohio University webpage.

Graduate College Provisional Admission Registration Hold

If you are a graduate student admitted with a provisional admission, 你必须向研究生院提供一份最终/正式成绩单或学术文件,显示所授予的学位(见美国大学入学政策) Graduate Catalog). 在研究生院收到适当的文件之前,您的注册保留将保留在记录中.


Graduate College
1 Ohio University
Grosvenor Hall 102
Athens, OH 45701.

Instructions for an electronic transcript (U.S. institutions only)
You must request previous institutions/universities use as the delivery notice address. 

Find additional information in the FAQ on the following Graduate College web page

Graduate Students Taking Undergraduate Classes

Graduate students are eligible to register for undergraduate classes. 研究生所修的本科课程将自动成为学生本科记录(成绩单和DARS报告)的一部分。. To enroll in undergraduate classes, graduate students should contact the Graduate College and complete a Graduate Seeking Undergraduate form. 本科课程包含在18个学分的注册限制中. 它们不计入研究生预约的注册要求. 请注意,修读本科课程的研究生要交研究生费.


一些学生可能会发现他们被阻止注册或接受其他大学服务,因为他们的学习成绩已经被搁置. Holds are placed when students fail to meet financial or other obligations. 学生需要向办理滞留的办公室办理结清手续,才能注册或接受其他大学服务.

Requisite Processing

You are required to meet all of the requisites for a given course. 不符合要求可能会阻止您注册该课程或导致该课程的退学或退学. Requisites are listed for each class in Course Offerings. A detailed explanation of a requisite can be found on the Requisite Key.

Student Schedules

Students can view their schedules anytime at MyOHIO Student Center or Go OHIO. Notifications to check schedules will be sent periodically.

All students must use MyOHIO Student Center or Go OHIO to make any changes to their class schedules. Please pay close attention to the deadlines.


Registration FAQS

Frequently Asked Questions regarding registration.


Registrar Services
Office of the University Registrar
Chubb Hall, first floor
1 Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701